International Day of Persons with Disability - 2022

Various activities were carried out by the Institute from 24th November, 2022 to 03rd December, 2022to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disability. A Medical screening camp was organized in association with the Deputy Director of Public Instruction (DDPI), Block Education office (BEO) and Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO) department for children with disability (Locomotor, Vision and Hearing) as a part of International Day of Persons Disability from 24/11/22 to 1/12/22. The camp was organized in nine taluks of Mysore, out of which the institution participated in conducting hearing screening camps at five taluks. A total of 264 cases were screened for hearing, speech and language deficits, out of which 199 children were identified as having hearing impairment and 65 children were identified with speech and language deficits. A seminar titled ‘Prevention of Communication Disorders for medical professionals (ENT Professionals, Pediatrician and Neonatologist) was also organized on 3/12/22 as part of International Day of Persons with Disability. A total of 30 doctors attended the seminar.
An e-poster making competition was organized for the students of the institute on 29/11/22. The theme for the competition was ‘Leadership and participation of person with disability’. A total of 19 entries for the e-poster making competition were received. The e- posters were judged anonymously. The best three posters were awarded. Mr. Jayanth, Ms. Vidyashree and Mr. Chethan Kumar and Ms. Chinmayee Avani were the winners.
A walkathon to mark the International Day of Persons with Disability was conducted on 03.12.22 in collaboration with Mysuru chapter of ISHA (MyISHA) and All India Institute of Speech and Hearing. A total of 100 students from the institute participated in the walkathon. The walkathon began at Kote anjaneya swamy temple premises at 7:15 am and ended at the same point. Information to the general public regarding awareness of communication disorders was disseminated through slogans, pictures and placards.
An ‘ability show’ for children with disability attending the Department of Speech Language Pathology OPD was also organized on 03.12.22. A total of 21 children with disability participated in the event. The children were dressed in different attires signifying various mythological characters and different professions. Master. Kushal and Kumari Monitha won the prizes. Kumari Aradhya, Master Kushal and Kumari Prarthana were the winners in the drawing and coloring competition which was organized on the same day for children with disability.